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Supply Lists

Spruce Student Supply List


Take a minute to write your child’s name in his/her backpack, coat, sweaters, hats, and boots. Each year we have many
unclaimed items in our lost and found.

  1. Have all supplies here for the first day of school. Please do not send items that are not on the list as these will be sent home.
  2. Remember that any of these supplies may need to be replaced during the year.


Students with life threatening health conditions (allergies, asthma, etc) must connect with the school nurse and have medications at school ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 22nd to guarantee their attendance on the first day of school.
Our nurse is available for a limited time in August. Call 425-431-1302 or email for an
appointment to meet with our nurse.


(This DOES NOT apply to Developmental K)

□ 1 Large Backpack (labeled with student name)
□ 1 bottle of Elmers school glue
□ 2 black Expo Broad Tip Dry Erase Markers (for student use)
□ 12 Ticonderoga #2 Pencils (Sharpened)
□ 2 pink pearl erasers
□ 12 Glue Sticks
□ 1 primary composition notebook
□ 1 box of Crayola Broad Line Markers Classic Colors
□ 4 boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 colors)
□ 2 boxes of snacks (nut free) such as pretzels, goldfish, Ritz or granola bars
□ 1 pair of over-the-ear headphones (labeled with name)


Grade 1

□ 1 Large Backpack (labeled with student name)
□ 2 boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 colors)
□ 6 Black EXPO Broad Tip Dry Erase Markers (For student
□ 2 Pink Pearl Erasers
□ 1 pack of washable markers
□ 1 box of snacks (nut free) such as pretzels, wheat thins,
□ 6 glue sticks
□ 12 Ticonderoga #2 Pencils (sharpened)
□ 1 pair of headphones

Grade 2

□ 1 Large Backpack (labeled with student name)
□ 1 pair of headphones (labeled with name)
□ 2 boxes of 24 Crayola Crayons
□ 4-6 Black EXPO Broad Tip Dry Erase Markers –
□ 48 Ticonderoga #2 pencils (sharpened)
□ 4 Large Avery Glue sticks and 8 small glue sticks
□ 2 Wide ruled spiral notebooks (labeled with name)
□ 1 set of large Crayola markers (labeled with name)
□ 1 pair of Fiskars school scissors (labeled with name)
□ 2 pocket folders (1 red, 1 blue)
□ 2 sharpies (fine point)
□ 1 Plastic rectangular pencil box(8”x5”) with hinged lid
(labeled with name)

Grade 3

□ 1 Large Backpack (labeled with student name)
□ 48 Ticonderoga #2 Pencils (Sharpened)
□ 2 Composition Books (lined pages)
□ 1 Wide ruled single subject spirals
□ Headphones - wired; no bluetooth
□ 8 glue sticks (not jumbo size please)
□ 6 Black Expo Broad Chisel Tip Dry Erase Markers (NO
□ 1 highlighter pen (any color)
□ 1 box of 24 Crayons                                                                           □ 1 box of 8-10 count washable markers, broad tip
□ 1 binder (1-1.5 inch) Avery EZ Open Rings


Grade 4

□ 1 Large Backpack (labeled with student name)
□ 1 pair of headphones
□ 3 Pocket Folders
□ 5 Single Subject Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks (70 pgs) -1 each red, green, blue, yellow, your choice
□ 1 pencil box (5 wide x 8 long x 2 deep)
□ 2 boxes of markers (10-12 pack - not skinny)
□ 2 boxes of colored pencils (12-24 pk) or crayons (24 pk)
□ 4 highlighters - different colors
□ 24 #2 pencils (Sharpened)
□ 8 Dry Erase markers (for student use)
□ 4-6 glue sticks
□ 1 pack of erasers (pencil cap or pink pearl)

*We will help students label and organize supplies in class.

Grade 5

□ 1 Large Backpack (labeled with student name)
□ 1 pair of scissors (medium)
□ 8 Expo Dry Erase Markers (for student use)
□ 24-36 #2 pencils (sharpened)
□ Standard Pink Erasers (3 pack)
□ 1 pencil box or bag
□ 1 pack of Wide ruled notebook paper (loose sheets)
□ 1 pack of crayons (12-24 pack)
□ 1 pack of colored Pencils (12 pack)
□ Colored Markers - Thin Tip & Tick Tip (1 pk of each)
□ 1 pair of headphones - wired

Grade 6

□ 1 Large Backpack (labeled with student name)
□ 1 pk 8 binder dividers
□ 1 binder 1.5 inch
□ 1 refillable water bottle
□ 2 pks college ruled notebook paper
□ 12 #2 Pencils (Sharpened) or 3-4 mechanical pencils
with lead
□ 1 12pk of colored pencils
□ 10 EXPO pens - Fine Tip (No Yellow or Orange please)
□ 1 set of headphones or earbuds that stay at school - no
bluetooth connected; wired only please
□ 2 pens in dark colors (black, blue, green)
□ 2 black sharpies - fine
□ 2 black sharpies - ultra fine
□ 1 10pk of markers